Friday, December 21, 2012


As Salam.

I have been at this new place for 2 weeks and I swear that I am getting fatter. Sikit la. It's really starting to pissed me off. Oi Oi Oi.. Mana tidak nye, breakfast, lunch, teatime, dinner & supper, EVERYTHING COMPLETE! Baru hadam, dah diajak makan lagi. Amagad. HAHA, I am enjoying the foods, don't get me wrong. As you can see, I'm getting fatter with every month.

I even had a couple friends and also family members recently comment that I look a little puffy especially after married. I'm really just wondering if anybody else got fatter before their body adjusted and then started to burn fat? My concern is that maybe I really have some metabolic issues? Ah! Padahal didnt workout pun. Then keep complaining. Well actually, i do plan to go to jogging or doing something healthy, but in JB, start 3pm je hujan kemain dasyat. What ever it is I need to loss my weight. Wajib! 

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